Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Deity: Kami

Deity: Kami


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An Air Kami

The Kami are nature spirits who were elevated in form, thought, and power by absorbing the essence of the Old God of nature when he was slain by Irus. They serve as the warden, jailors, guards, and workers for Irus's prison (ie: All terratory contained within the God Wall). To acomplish this divinly appointed task they organised themselves into a beurcrasy known to mortals as The Court of Kami.

The Kami are vastly diffrent from one another, with many subforms and subspecies. They each have their own personalities, wants, needs, and goals. They are, in many ways, much like mortals. Yet the detached manner in which they reguard immortal creatures puts many people on edge, as it gives the kami an unsetteling and otherworldy quality that gets under the skin of most.

The Kami are primarily overseeres of Eyom, doing everything nessisary to keep it working as it has for 2000 years, though they also plot Irus' ultimant end. TO this end they are raising, shaping, educating, and training the young god Khristos, a mortal who accended to godhood by absorbing the mantle of the very Old God whose power the Kami consumed.


The kami are aloof, tired, and seemingly stressed. They are duity bound, loyal, and care for the greater good (at least, what they bleive to be the greater good). More than this cannot be said of them as a whole. They are individuals, as verried in passions, pleasures, distastes, and loathing as any group of mortal creatures.

While most Kami are loath to directly involve themselves in the daily affairs of mortal beings, a small number delight in interacting with "Those of Brief Flame" and will form personal relationships with mortals. These act much the same as Eyom's minor gods, and are often mistaken for such beings themselves.


The Kami are Demi-deities which hold a portfolio of one of the following elements:

  1. Day
  2. Night
  3. Fire
  4. Water
  5. Earth
  6. Air

In addition, all Kami hold a small shard of power over nature as a whole (not enough to count as a mantle or portfolio, but enough to manipulate nature in a small area arround their person), as well as one other seemingly random portfolio beswoed uppon them by the Court.